Wholesale B2B shop of traditional Czech glass beads and crystals with over 15 000 splendid products in stock for fast shipment direct from Czech Republic to your door.
Minimum order is 1 bag of 0.25 kg or as specified in the description of each product.
Total minimum value of the order is CZK 10 000 ( or EUR 400 or USD 500 ). Please see how it all works and what are the procedures after receiving your order here. All prices are quoted Ex Works Czech Republic, without VAT. Or you can switch to EUR or USD at detail of any product. We accept payments to our bank accounts, either to our Czech business bank account in CZK, EUR, USD and JPY. We have UK bank account for payments in GBP. We also accept payments by credit or debet cards (2.8% fee will be charged) or if no other option is possible we accept payments by PayPal (only in CZK and 5.5% fee will be charged)
Please register for current availability, prices and orders. We will approve your registration as soon as possible. We supply to persons or companies dealing/working with beads, crystals, jewellery and fashion or other relevant industries (wholesalers, distributors, retailers, e-tailers, manufacturers, etc). Thank you!
If you do not find a bead or crystal component that you are interested in at this shop you can visit our full product site at www.splendidcrystals.com
Your Splendid Crystals Team, Czech Republic
Fire-polished Beads – our beads have the world’s widest combination of sizes, shapes, colours, coatings and finishes. Round beads from 2 mm (the “true” size) up to 16 mm – see more here

Czech Pressed (also called Druk) Glass Beads have by far the widest range of shapes, sizes, colours, and coatings – they provide literally endless options and variations of use. The quality is excellent and consistent. See more here
Table Tin Cut Beads are special glass beads made in Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic. Two sides of the bead are polished so that the fine glass shows up nicely. Usually made from opaque or opal glass with nice coatings and top effects. Truly unique! See more here

DuraThread is a new beading thread to the market, developed by industry insiders to offer an affordable yet industry-level quality product for both hobbyist and business owners alike. Suitable for jewellery making, general crafting, sewing and more. Order here